Wednesday 10 December 2014

Save your body!

Actual medical science is focused on illness, not on health, and the most investments are turned on diagnostic systems and new medicines, much longer than on prevention.
Technology is continuously in progress and today we can see microscopic lesions inside our organs; surgery is able to perform with precision and safety and many organs are now replaceable with a transplant.
We can heal from diseases we used to consider incurable until few years ago, we can overrun physical crises, we live longer; but the number of patient does not decrease.
Our society is affected by increasingly degenerative illnesses, which destructive impact can involve any organ, tissue or cell.
Nobody’s immune: who’s got perfect teeth, good sight, digestion, blood circulation, healthy and strong back and legs at the age of 50, often 40 and sometimes also 30 or less?
We can live a long, weak and drugged life: every year – often many times per year - we have to deal with influence, allergies and other respiratory illnesses; cancer is a threat for whom there’s no surgery or medicine able to delete the fear; and so on with heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, degeneration of nervous system.
A research in the 90’, but still valid, showed that at least 25% of young Americans wouldn’t be able to serve in the army, although qualities required to pass the exams for admission had been more times lowered; another worrying new is the increasing rate of infertile young couples in industrialized countries.
All this - and the list is widely incomplete – is strictly related to our lifestyle, according to the opinion of Caterine Kousmine, a famous nutritionist who published many researches about natural food. The reality is that nutrition is almost completely industrialized, and agriculture too; but the food industry doesn’t care about our health more than about his profit, and often medical science doesn’t care enough about food.
It seems an escapeless way for people living in industrialized countries: we are consumers before than humans and we have first to buy: food, medicines, diagnostic exams …
Caterine Kousmine – she begun decades ago - and many others suggest that we have to change quickly our mind and abandon the idea that our future depends on the development of new pharmaceutical products or medical machines; mankind will survive preventing illnesses, strengthening natural defences and the main way to do it is a proper diet. We are what we eat.


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